Japan defense chief mulling action in event of UFO attack – This is pure comedy! Actually I’m almost certain the U.S. has some outline of a contingency plan in the case of extraterrestrial life being discovered as it will likely cause political/social instability as religious fanatics lose their mind that their holy book did not tell them about aliens. Still, a UFO attack? What is worse is he announced it to the media!!!

New charges menace Jacob Zuma in South Africa – Wow, that was quick.  Who wants to bet Mbeki made a few calls and had a few envelopes of info dropped in the mail anonymously to the prosecutors office?  Something slick is going on.  “A criminal conviction would end his political career, for South Africa’s Constitution bars felons from becoming president.”

Africa: Continent Must Scale Up Efforts to Reach Millennium Goals, Says Migiro – Damn I said something similar a few weeks ago. I got criticized on one site for not recognizing and praising Africans on their progress. :-O When I was growing up I did not get praised for doing something “half-assed” but that was my family, but it is not just Africa’s fault.  As the article rightly points out, the developed nations have not lived up to their end of the bargain either.